2 Main services to the blogging world have had glitches today. Both feedburner and widgetbucks.
Today, i logged into my widgetbucks account, to find that no stats have been recorded for today. Both impressions and clicks were at 0.
Widgetbucks then added a message to peoples accounts saying "Impressions/Clicks reporting currently delayed". Well there you have it folks, thats the widgetbucks glitch for today.
I have blogged on this many times before, but once again, feedburner is on its monthly chicklet count glitch where it lowers everyones RSS readers for the day. Here are current reportings...
Shoemoney.com - 23,000 down to 11,123
Johnchow.com - 13,000 down to 8,701
Kedoa.com - 66 down to 49
Problogger.net - 33,000 down to 18,896
Techcrunch.com - 512K down to 394K
It seems everyone has suffered today. Just wait until tomorrow, and feedburner chicklet counts will shoot up.
[Source: Kedoa Blog - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]
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