Today, a large group of us went into town. Me and Jim went off to look around mobile phone stores searching for the LG Viewty phone.
Orange...When we went into Orange, they said that they could only do the phone on a ?35 / Month contract that lasted 18 months. They had a few in store, and i had a look at a few of the features.
3 Mobile...When we went into the 3 shop, they had the Lg Viewty on display. Now the 3 mobile contract plans are amazing, and work really differently to other phone contract plans. You pick your mix and match (texts and minutes), then you choose a phone. The contract lasts for 18 months. They had none to sell to us in store until saturday.
Phones 4 U...Now this shop phones 4 u have great deals, but they are all 18 month contracts. And they all last for 18 months.
O2...In o2, Me and Jim got a full preview of the lg viewty. Its not as big as it seems, and the video is amazing. The screen is so nice to touch, and IT DOES video in 120 fps (cough) Louis (cough). We also had a go on the handwriting text where you write with your finger, and it types up the letters for you. If you buy the lg viewty with o2, you get really cheap 20 mb internet, but it wasnt avaliable where we live.
Conclusion...The lg viewty phone is intense, and makes the iphone look, well, not that good. It seems that you cant buy a 12 month contract in a mobile shop for the viewty, thats why you have to buy a 12 month contract online. Its has a huge screen, but the phone is soo small. Its nice and light, easy to use, has really nice shake control, and the manual focus is great.
[Source: Kedoa Blog - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]
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