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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pzizz Makes You Sleep!

Pzizz Screen

So, i had to purchase pzizz. Its a great piece of software but i am a bit annoyed that i had to wait 3 days to download it and there was alot of hassle. I still cant login to my pzizz account! I had to get the serial numbers sent to me.

What did i purchase?

Pzizz offers 2 download packages. The Sleep module, and the Energizer module. Each module usually costs $29 each, but if you buy them both together, then you get them for $49, saving yourself $10. Then, if you use the coupon code twit you get an extra 25% off!

Does it work?

Well, i have made my own 15 minute energizer module, then exported it to itunes, and then put it on my ipod. I tested it and ran the 15 minute module. IT WORKS! Seriously, it gradually put me to sleep, and then gradually woke me up again, and i felt refreshed. I still need to try the sleep one.

Would you recommend it?

Yes! I would really recommend this software to anyone. Its great! Downloads are fast from, and they have the best policy in the world! ONCE YOU BUY IT, FREE UPGRADES FOR LIFE! How good is that!

Pzizz Booth


[Source: Kedoa Blog - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

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