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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Entrecard Credits On Sale

I would like to start selling entrecard credits coz right now I have crossed over 4500. When I started entrecard I though of this mark. But it took me a bit late to reach this. So now I would like to sell my entrecard credits.

Generally right now if you want to buy entrecard credits through Entrecard then you have to pay nearly $10 for 1000 credits. Well guys I dont want to spare so much of money through entrecard. If you can buy those from me then you can get 1000 entrecard credits for only $5.

Hence if anyone interested just knock me through "contact me" link on my blog at the top of blog. Just mention that you want to buy those credits and I will reply you with my paypal. So just send me the money and long with that send me your email id with which this entrecard is linked and I will transfer the amount.

Well as you can see right now I have only 4500 credits so make your payment fast and get those credits for cheap.


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