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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Alzheimer's Memory Walk

Well this is really a sad thing coz right now many old people are getting affected by this. Actually Alzheimer's is an illness which strikes many of our elders. People who gets affected loose their memory. Well this is really a bad issue and even I have seen many people suffering with this. But the sad thing is most of the people are not aware of this disease. The association which is conducting Alzheimer's Memory Walk is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research. It calls on volunteers to walk for a cause and to eliminate this disease by creating awareness among the people. The walk is around 2-3 miles and will be on fall. There are over 600 communities and you just register your name by visiting the website and they will inform you the nearest place for participation.

Sponsored by Alzheimer's Walk


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