Thursday, March 26, 2009
Work at Home Program
By Paul Majestyck
Searching for success in your online home business? Always wanted to be your own boss? Need to make money at home while you stay with the kids? Retired, but need extra cash?
Home business opportunities and online work at home programs are proliferating at geometric proportions on the Internet these days. It's hard to figure out which sites to land on. This short article offers summaries of some of the work at home opportunities on the Internet today, the common and the not-so-common methods people just like you have found success online.
Take surveys online. Hundreds of thousands of companies need feedback from the public to tweak their businesses. They pay out big bucks in small packages for people to take their surveys. It's not easy to make a living taking surveys online, but you can pick up some extra money. Success in this online work at home opportunity comes from heavy-duty persistence on your part. It's easy and fun.
Get into online auctions. The mega-auction companies like eBay display such unassailable success because people just like yourself have figured out how to make money from home selling either their product or others' on their auction sites. Be prepared to invest a little, possibly earn a lot, and have tons of fun in the process.
Are you a good, pithy writer? Look into freelance writing. You can sell your work online for print and Internet magazines, anthologies, newsletters and blogs.
Are you the creative type? Selling ideas online requires little to no investment and inventory. Good ideas that really work are valuable commodities, and can be transferred digitally for free! Other online home business success stories for artisans include freelance digital photography, embroidering patches and other items and printing stationery, invitations and so on.
Consider affiliate marketing. This is the up-and-coming giant in online success. The partners who work affiliate marketing use the Internet to great advantage to make a little money from a ton of people. The advertising partner in affiliate marketing finds success by being compensated for publishing links to other websites. The merchant partner finds success by using the advertising partner to spread the word far and wide, across the entire globe.
Obviously, before you make your decision, you'll want to investigate a lot deeper than scanning these brief descriptions. Here's a hint from the big guys, the ones that consistently make tons of money online: Take your time in the research stage, and make your decisions from the head, not the heart or the gut.
An objective, reasonable approach will take you a long way down the road to success for your online business. Couple that with imagination and dedication, and you're likely to come up a winner!
NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the "About The Author" resource box. Thanks! :-)
Paul Majestyck is a successful ezine publisher and online marketer , who not long ago didn't know ANYTHING about Internet marketing. Read his blog at: or visit:
Article Source:
Work At Home Program
by Leonard Bartholomew
Home business got you down and not making you the kind of money your were expecting? You are not alone. Most of us spend months, even years trying to figure out how to make money with the internet only to quit in total frustration. We hold on to the last, hopefully spending only what we can afford. Of course we always see that one shiny new offer that looks like the one opportunity that we have been looking for. If we go for it, expecting it to produce, the question is will it make anything? Why do we buy into these things when the real opportunity lies with our own talents? Here are some simple things that most of us do not think of that have been proven to create, even accelerate, income. The real difference is, this proven income opportunity is free.
1. Publish your web site in different languages. The internet is a world wide proven income opportunity. The only boundaries are traffic volume, you always need more, and communications. People who cannot read your web page certainly will not buy anything you have to offer. There are add-ons you can place on your web page that will translate it into a number of languages without having to build a new web page for each translation.
2. Surprise your customers with a bonus when they buy. There is a great chance that your customers will buy from you again if you deliver more than they expect.
3. Remember your customers on the holidays. Sending greeting cards offline or online will give your the chance to increase your orders with that sneaky little ad that you include inside the card.
4. Don't try to sell a basketball in a fishing magazine. Your products and services need to be marketed to your target audience. Would you go into a Victoria's Secret looking for hiking boots?
5. Repeat purchases happen more frequently than you would expect. Give your customer the opportunity to buy other products or services when they buy one of your main products or services. A happy customer keeps coming back.
6. Be creative with bonuses, delivery options, and payment options and you will come up with new ways to attract customers to buy your products or services.
7. Start a franchise. Giving other businesses the opportunity to sell your product through a joint venture or an affiliate program means more sales without you having to do all of the work.
8. Your prospects and current customers would like to hear from you. When they leave a message or send you an email, answer promptly. If you keep in touch with them on a regular basis you will come to mind more frequently than your competition.
9. Study your competition. Learn other proven methods of advertising and marketing by studying the ideas and materials from other business ads, brochures, tv ads, and sales letters.
10. Find new strategies and increase your sales by immersing yourself in education. Take classes, subscribe to e-zines and magazines. Learning is always a good idea. Learning more about your customer's expectations can only increase your chances of getting more sales.
The real key to beating your competition is to study your competition and always keep the customer in mind first. If you are not making enough money, start researching the proven methods that have worked for eons. The opportunity is right in front of you when looking in the mirror. Higher rates of online income are there to be had.
Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science, is an affiliate marketer for an organization that has been in business for more than six years. This organization provides all of the training materials and resources needed to start and run your internet business. Find all of the qualifications of an extraordinary proven income opportunity.
About the Author
Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Don't be shy. This is your opportunity to get some help and make some money for a change. Leonard invites you to experience the best proven income opportunity available on the internet today.
Work At Home Program
by Campbell Shaw
The question everyone asks is how to make money from the comfort of their own home. The answer is that people all over the world are making money working from home, but how? Home Based Businesses and Affiliate Programs are the most popular ways of doing this. So how do you make money? Every company has products that they would like you to promote and sell, this is where you can make money. The next question that alot of people do ask is, I have never sold anything in my life, how could I possibly make any money? From here you are going to find out what the title of the article is all about.
The easiest way for you to make money and be successful is for you to build a sales army. What do I mean by this? Ok, when you join an affiliate program you not only have a choice of products to sell but you also have the opportunity to promote the business. So you are going to start to build your business by sponsoring and recruiting others, the more people you sign up for your affiliate program the better the chance that people are going to start selling and making money. This is good for you because each sale a person makes within your team you also get a commission. Say the product your company is selling is $100, and the commission the sales person makes is around %50, they make $50 and the commission you would make might be around $15. this is purely an example, each company is different.
It`s been 6 months and you have been actively building your team and it has grown to 200 people. Now not all of your team are going to make a sale but for the sake of an example lets say half of your team does. (Remember you are making $15 on each of their sales.) your team = 200, half of them make a sale, so 100 times $15 = $1,500. That is a pretty good chunk of change considering you have not done any selling. So you see you don`t need to be good at selling you just need to get out there and build a sales team of your own. I am not saying this will happen over night, but if you are willing to become financially free in the future then this is definitely one option for you to consider when either starting an affiliate program or Internet business.
Things to remember, start a home business or affiliate program, build a sales team and keep building. So in the future you don`t need to be at the computer, you can be at home or on holiday and the money is still being earned. This will take some hard work and time at the start but it`s the end result that is going to make it all worth while.
All the best,
Campbell Shaw
About the Author
Campbell Shaw works at home as a full-time internet marketer. For Internet Home Businesses you can trust in, vist:
Learn how to start or grow your own successful internet business at:
Work At Home Program
Yes you can really work at home but you need to read between the lines of how really the programs you sign up for works. Because as you probably know there are a lot of scams. So basically, you should know the programs very well whether it is good enough or not.
Work at Home Program
By Robert Maguire
Whether you have a full-time job and want to earn some extra bucks online or you are a stay-at-home parent who is looking for a way to make ends meet, the internet is your best bet for a work at home solution.
Often the first choice people make when looking to build a work from home business is the affiliate program.
There are two types of affiliate programs online: the ones that pay a one-time commission, and the ones that pay residual income. For many new online entrepreneurs who desire to make money through the work at home business sector, it is in your best interest to look for the residual income program. The reason for choosing such a program is that you receive recurring payments when others sign up under you for that program, product, or service.
Choosing continuous income over a one-shot payment is often the most attractive choice for long-term business success.
However, choose carefully. Many of the residual-income programs require heavy amounts of marketing and advertising. Too often the come-on to enroll is offered for free. This is an attractive incentive, but only for a limited few. The ultimate goal, of course, is your ability to get your "signups" to upgrade to the paying level. For many in your downline, this will never happen. You can end up with hundreds or thousands who have joined under you, but if no one upgrades your income is not going to change.
So choosing the best kind of residual income program is to your advantage. The benefit to a residual income program is that once your signup also commits to the program, and for as long as they remain in the program, you earn money from their placement and their actions. Your "job," therefore, is to actively seek additional people to join with you. They join because they also see the benefits of and appreciate the merits to the service. And, since you are paid over and over from your downline, you are in essence earning residual income.
Now think about that... Imagine your earning potential! Your income can skyrocket once you have discovered how to make hundreds (or thousands) a month in long term residual income. Once you successfully master that skill, and with good training and leadership from the program is it possible, you just repeat the process.
The downside to doing nothing but pursuing the downline-building portion of any chosen program is that as you manically recruit, you can actually earn less money. The surefire, solid way to build a business online and work from home is to build a solid customer base and teach others to do it, too. Never drop the ball! Less successful work at home affiliates are less successful because they do nothing but pursue the next lead or signup. Ignoring those that have chosen to work with you is tantamount to failure! You must schedule the time and attention your signups will need to ensure their success and your continuous flow of residual income. The affiliate program, when done correctly, can be a huge money maker for all.
Nothing beats having a work from home business that you can take anywhere in the world and run! Make money while you sleep, vacation, or even - heaven forbid - if you are hospitalized. The benefits to joining the correct work at home business are the residual income (of course) and the need to no longer develop your own new products and backend services. You find the service or products you yourself believe in and promote that service. You put 100% of yourself into your decision, stop flitting here and there on the net in search of the unattainable "overnight success" and hunker down to earn a living online.
Do set yourself goals. Apply yourself totally to achieving your goals. Choose a program whose longevity adds weight to that program, and one that offers real one-on-one training and support. Taking advantage of a great program with good mentoring increases your chances for earning that true work from home income. Take your dream out of "dreamland," and make it happen!
Robert Maguire lives in Dracut, Massachusetts with his wonderful wife Donna. Learn more about work at home business opportunities at
Work At Home Program
(2) I make a little extra money by doing simple things like surveys, "reading emails", etc. I spend about an 1/2 hour a night doing this. I prefer "reading emails" because it takes less time, I just visit a link that is provided and wait for a timer to expire and move onto another link.
(3) A website / blog can make you some real money, It takes a little time and effort but if correctly done correctly, you can make extra money even when you are off the computer. That is best thing about the Internet, it is open 24/7 and available worldwide.
Despite the Weak Economy, Sales of Nutritional Supplements are Up

Since the start of the economic recession, we read every day how retail sales are down for almost every product category including cars, restaurant meals, clothing, jewelry, and movies and entertainment. Despite the gloomy economic picture, there is one bright light. Sales of nutritional supplements have been increasing. According to the Nutrition Business Journal: �Dietary supplements appear to be bucking the negative sales trend in the United States, according to the most recent sales data from Nielsen Co. For the 52 weeks ending December 27, 2008, vitamin and other supplement sales were up 5.9% to $3.8 billion in food, drug and mass merchandiser stores, Nielsen reports.�
Biggest Growth Seen in Specialty Nutritional Products
Much of the growth was seen in the specialty nutritional supplement market, for example supplements targeted to specific conditions or specialty juices such as acai, mangosteen, and Goji. GeneWize is the ultimate specialty supplement. The GeneWize supplement is custom made just for you, based on a DNA assessment. No two customer�s supplement formulas are exactly alike. In fact, there are over 177,000 possible ingredient combinations in the GeneWize product.
GeneWize will save you money too! If you were to go out and buy the natural ingredients in the GeneWize formula, it would cost you hundreds of dollars per month, yet the GeneWize supplement is available for approximately $3.00 per day. Antioxidants such as bilberry, green and white tea, blueberry extract, resveratrol, lycopene, pomegranate, alpha lipoic acid, and broccoli are important ingredients in the GeneWize supplement as well as Vitamins C, E, and selenium. The damage to the body that free radicals can cause is well documented. Scientific research has documented that antioxidants can destroy these free radicals in the bloodstream, so having a supplement high in ORAC value (a measure of antioxidant strength) will help prevent this damage. The supplement also includes Goji fruit, Mangosteen, and Acai extract. AC-11, folic acid, and various B vitamins have been scientifically proven to repair DNA damage and are also part of the GeneWize product. Your customized product may well contain over 65 ingredients specially formulated to your DNA assessment. For more information on the GeneWize product visit: Your Supplements for Free
Not only is the GeneWize LifeMap Nutrition affordably priced, but you have the opportunity to receive your product for free. Customers receive a discount for each person that they refer on auto ship. If they refer 4 customers on auto shipment, they pay no more for their product. As we like to say at GeneWize: �Enroll 4 and Pay No More.� For affiliates who wish to join our growing company, just refer 4 customers and/or affiliates on auto shipment, and your product is free as well.
Paul Zane Pilzer, economic advisor to 4 U.S. presidents, predicted 10 years ago that the first company to provide fully customizable nutrition according to each person's DNA would be the BIGGEST Company to hit the industry. The opportunity is right now with GeneWize Life Sciences. GeneWize is a member of the Direct Selling Association and the Women's Direct Selling Alliance.
If you are interested in starting a home based business in the growing health and wellness industry, visit for detailed information on our product and opportunity.
Make Money at the Free Lunch Room Forum
Hello again people. I have been pretty busy the last few months and during that time, I have been making some great money at the Free Lunch Room forum. As usual, I am always testing out legitimate ways to earn money online and this is a great one.
This forum is dedicated to helping *anyone start making money online in the incentive/freebie industry. It is one of the largest forums in the world and the friendliest. So let me tell you what you do there or basically how you make money and what this forum has to offer you.
FLR offers 2 main methods of earning money and all the resources you need are available to you right at the forum. You make money during each method and they are really easy to understand because this forum has lots of mentors who will lead you every step of the way to become successful. These mentors are really friendly and can get you going as soon as you say you are ready. You also get instant support.
You will find that the Free Lunch Room forum is very friendly and the members there want to help you succeed. There are also other sub-forums dedicated to answering your questions, tutorials, other money making opportunities, and even a break room and chat when you feel the need to take a break and make friends. Free Lunch Room is evolving as we speak. The administrator is working hard to make this the best freebie trading forum around and also looks out for the well being of his members.
Check out the Free Lunch Room forum and register and look around. You will love it there and most definitely make money. I know this because I am a proud member since August 08' and I have made thousands there and you can too. If you would like for me to show you around and help you get started or even explain in detail how this works, you can contact me on the forum. My user name there is Mekap04 and I am a mentor.
*The FLR forum is free to join. Available to US, AU, CA, UK. Must be 18 years or older to make money there.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Earning Online Resource
So head on over to the Cash Blog and learn about blogging for cash, and other great ways to earn online. There is a lot of great information waiting for you.
Also check out this blog for a way to earn $100 today!!!
Free Ebook Guide: Earning Online

As I said in my last post, I will be blogging about other ways to earn online including affiliate marketing, Adsense, blogging, and more. This ebook will give you lots of ideas of ways to earn online especially through affiliate marketing.
In this short (37 page) - and free - ebook Harvey has managed to include one unique idea after another on a wide variety of topics starting with his controversial stance on search engines and moving on to....
- Getting traffic to your site
- Preselling with free ebooks
- Preselling with articles
- Autoresponders and follow up campaigns
- Ad tracking
- Affiliate marketing
- ClickBank
- Viral marketing
- PDF book creation
- Ebook rebranding
- Creating niche sites
- Resale rights
This will be a great read for getting ready for my following posts. You definitely need to know how to generate traffic and have some knowledge of affiliate marketing. You can earn a lot of money online using the techniques I will teach you in my future posts and by reading this ebook, you will have a head start and also have a special way you can earn online inside the ebook itself but you would have to read it to find out. You have nothing to loose because it is totally free.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Discount Coupon
Well is really worth working with and I really recommend it. Well I have asked before many day about coupon and they said they don't have any coupons present on the internet. In the past they had one but after that expired they did not try to give any other. Recently I just tried to register another domain with these guys and at the lower end of the page they kept a banner stating a coupon code. I was really surprised because they are never interested to have a coupon code. But later when I saw the rates of .com domain(for which the coupon code was present) it was really funny because in the past .com domains cost $5.99 but now they have kept as $7.99 and if we add the coupon code then its again back to the same old cost. Hence there is no gain or loss but the strategy of these guys( that is having a discount coupon) is nice coz they are also willing to start coupons and all. Hence if you are really willing to buy a domain then don't forget to use the coupon code XUP599.