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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Be Aware of Brring.Com

Have you ever heard of a site which provides money for receiving calls? Well this site is developed with a different concept that if you receive a call to your phone then you get paid for receiving calls. You may think strange about this site but what these people are doing is, you will be given a number and from that number your call will be redirected to your number. Now first when the call comes to that given number a small advertisement is heard for approx. 10sec and then it will be redirected to your number.

So for that you are going to be paid. When this site was started it was really successful but later on it was misused and the company ran out of funds and hence now these guys are in deep trouble. They are not even paying members correctly. Until you reach the payout there is no problem. But once you reach the payout these guys say that you have done something fraudulent and your balance will be made to 0 again.

So I totally don't recommend this site.


1 comment:

Tim Carter said...

Brring changed their rewards program back in July, there are no longer rewards for incoming calls.

Brring does continue to pay rewards for referring people who join Brring and for creating profiles of people that call you. However, to earn these rewards these people must actually use the service; if they don't complete the registration or if people that you profile do not call you won't get paid.

Brring does not cancel accounts simply because they have amassed a large reward balance. Accounts are canceled for inactivity, or rarely, for fraudulent activity.

And before you ask, yes, I am in a position to speak authoritatively on this topic. ;-)