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Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Toolbar With Trojan

I think its a long time I have posted some content on my blog. The reason is I switched my domain from Electronics to Computers and hence facing many new concepts and hence its hard for me to cope up with my Masters.

Well coming to the topic, recently I though of promoting the site called Actually the way this works is making people download their toolbar and we get affiliate commission. The toolbar is free to download. Also you can upload new content to the toolbar and distribute it to your readers. It really sounds good and hence thought of trying it. I downloaded the toolbar and I came to know that its having a trojan. I was really shocked and went to check about that in Mcafee site. I came to know that already there are complaints about their site and already 8 members have added a review that its a spyware toolbar. Hence I just want to make sure that no other people should download the toolbar and should not promote it. Check for the screen shot below of what I have seen in mcafee site.

waverevenue toolbar

If you are using this toolbar without knowing this then first you have to remove this toolbar or you got to face lots of consequences for having a trojan in your computer.


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